Sponsor, Brands, Specialists and Suppliers: The Companies that supported the Chapman /Lotus Road & Racing Programme
Jack Knight Development Ltd: The Lotus Knightclub
Koni:Shock and Awe (Awe Inspiring)
Kugelfischer: Renault, Lotus: The European Union
Laystall Engineering: Lady Godiva cranks up Climax with Laystall
Lucas: and Lotus charge of the Light Brigade
Lucky Strike: Lotus strike a light
Martini & Rossi: Martini Racing: Lotus in high Spirits
Marston Excelsior: Merlin’s, Mosquitos and Marston
Matra Datavision: from the drawing board to the keyboard and onto the dashboard
Meccano: Constructive Learning
MelMag (Magnesium Elektron): Rims, racing on the edge
Metalastic: Rotoflex Coupling: Getting it Together
Micromax: Microlight and maximum boost Lotus 98&99T
Miller Brewing Company: One for the Road &Track
Milliken Research Associates: Equations of Motion=Poetry in motion, chapter and verse