
Newsletter August 2008 – Number 9

There are three areas that the team would like to update you on.

  1. What’s happening on the museum front
  2. Marc Hogenkamp’s (the “best” Belgian Lotus fan) amazing dioramas
  3. The 2008 Le Mans classic

1. What’s happening on the museum front?

With the credit crunch and various sectors of business struggling, raising money for projects such as ours becomes increasingly difficult. We also have the reality of a high percentage of the lottery money going to the Olympics.

Last week the finance/sponsorship group held a meeting looking at funding for Hornsey and its surrounds, and we welcome an addition to the team who is a long time Lotus supporter and owner. Unfortunately we did not manage to move this forward.

We will, therefore, be looking at a number of creative ways of fund raising for the museum.

We still have a number of other irons in the fire that we are progressing, so we are still optimistic. The question we are asking ourselves, and would welcome comments and thoughts from our loyal website viewers is,

“Is the location of the museum more important than the concept of creating a museum, or is the concept more important than the location.”

Your views would be more than welcome.

2. Marc Hogenkamp’s amazing dioramas

Marc Hogenkamp is a long time “Friend” of the museum, Lotus fanatic and creator of many wonderful Lotus based dioramas.

We have selected two examples for the newsletter. The rest we have put on the CCMEC website under the photo archive section. Please take a few minutes to browse them its well worthwhile.
When we eventually do get the museum, we will be asking Marc if a number of examples could be loaned for display purposes to the museum.

Indianaoplis 1965 : Lotus 38 – Jim Clark & Dan Gurney

dioramas 1 dioramas

3. The 2008 Le Mans Classic

This years Le Mans classic was excellent, with truly thrilling racing. Jjust wandering around the paddocks was an experience not to be missed. We have included a selection of Lotus photos from the weekend. The rest of them are under the photo archive on the website.

CIMG0799 CIMG0809

Thank you for your continued interest and support.